Par courrier en date du 16/01/2015, J’ai été convoquée à un entretien qui devait avoir lieu le 22/01/2015. Ce jour-là, je ne pouvais pas venir en raison de ma santé . J’ai eu RDV pour consulter chez docteur CAM NGUYEN VAN le 22/01/2015.
By letter of 16/01/2015, I was summoned to an interview scheduled for 22/01/2015. That day, I couldn't come because of my health. I had appointment to consult with Dr. CAM NGUYEN VAN 22/01/2015.
By letter dated 16/01/2015, I was summoned to a meeting to be held on 01.22.2015. That day, I could not come because of my health. I had an appointment to consult with Dr. CAM NGUYEN VAN 22/01/2015.
By mail by date of 16/01/2015, I have been summoned to an interview which was to take place 22/01/2015. That day, I could not come because of my health . I had APPT to consult among Dr. CAM NGUYEN VAN 22/01/2015.