Albert et folio sont heureux avec leurs maîtres, Jules et Alice... mai dịch - Albert et folio sont heureux avec leurs maîtres, Jules et Alice... mai Anh làm thế nào để nói

Albert et folio sont heureux avec l

Albert et folio sont heureux avec leurs maîtres, Jules et Alice... mais aujourd’hui, il y a un problème.
Folio est curieuse:
-Pourquoi on ne peut pas entrer dans la chambre ?
-Pourquoi on ne peut pas jouer avec Jules et Alice ?
Jules fait beaucoup de bruit derrière la porte.
Folio est la gardienne de l’appartement. Elle veut comprendre :
-Mais que fait Jules ? Pouah , ca sent mauvais !
Il y a beaucoup de désordre dans l’appartement.
Albert s’amuse. Il a trouvé un copain
- Il est bizarre ce chien. Pourquop il ne parle pas ?
Ce matin, Jules et Alice partent très tôt. Il fait encore nuit . Ils sont pressés. Albert est un peu triste :
- Moi aussi, je veux aller me promener
Tard de soir, Jules rentre tout seul, il est très joyeux et il siffle.
- Albert, Folio, venez me faire un gros câlin, je suis si heureux ! vous allez bientôt avoir une grande surprise!
Albert et Folio ont surtout très faim...
Tout le monde a bien mangé. Maintenant, Jules et Albert ronflent très fort. Folio n’arrive pas à s’endormir
- Mais où est Alice ? Je suis triste sans elle.
Une surprise ? mais quoi ?
- C’est peut-être un petit frère, un gentil chien comme moi...
- C’est peut-être un petie soeur, une gentille chatte comme moi...
En attendant Alice et la surprise, Albert fait des bêtises.
- La surprise de Jules, c’est peut-être un bel os !
En attendant Alice et la surprise, Folio fait des bêtises.
- Il est doux ce pyjama et il sent très bon !
Trois jours plus tard, Alice rentre à la maison.
Albert et Folio sont très heureux.
- Alice ne nous a pas abandonnés. Elle nous aime encore!
- Albert, Folio ! Venez me faire un gros câlin, vous m’avez tellement manqué !
Jules est joyeux. Il porte un très gros panier.
- Et voilà la grande surprise !
- Super ! Un nouveau panier pour Albert et moi !
- Super ! Jules a acheté à manger !
Folio a mal aux oreilles
- Mais il y a quelqu’un dans le panier ! Quel animal faite ce bruit ?
Albert a mal aux oreilles
- Elle est bizarre la surprise de Jules ! Elle n’aboie pas comme moi ...
Alice présente le bébé à Albert.
- Albert, je te pressente Tom. Attention, il ne faut pas faire de bêtises avec lui. Il est encore tout petit. Regarde, Tom, lui , c’est Albert.
Jules présente le bébé à Folio.
- Folio, je te présente Tom. Il fait partie de la famille maintenant ! Regarde, Tom , elle . c’est Folio
Albert est en colère :
- Le bébé pleure beaucoup. Je ne peux pas faire la sieste. Et en plus , je n’ai pas le droit de jouer avec lui.
Falio est en colère :
- À cause de Tom, je ne peux pas dormir. Et en plus , il n’est pas joli du tout, il n’a pas de cheveux
Le bébé faite la sieste dans sa chambre. Il ne pleure plus. Folio est très curieuse.
- Ils sont rigolos les jouets de Tom, Je vais aller voir de plus près
Albert est très curieux, il suit Folio :
- Mais où va Folio ? Moi aussi, je veux entrer dans la chambre de Tom !
Albert est maladroit. Avec ses toutes petites pattes, il marche sur les jouets de Tom et tombe...
BADABOUM ! Folio a très peur, Jules n’est pas content :
- Chuuut, vous allez réveiller Tom !
Tom se réveille mais il ne pleure pas. Il rigole. Folio voudrait lui faire un sourire :
- Le bébé est mignon quand il rit. Tom ! Regarde ! Je suis là ! CouCou !
Albert est un peu jaloux. Il ne sait pas sauter sur les meubles comme Folio pour voir le bébé .
- Moi aussi , je veux regarde Tom . Je veux lui montrer mon joli gros nez
Alice prend Albert dans ses bras
- Regarde Albert, Tom rigole, Il aime ton gros nez.
- Il est très mignon. Il a des petites patte comme moi
C’est l’eure de changer la couche de Tom. Folio n’est pas contente.
- Pouah, ca sent mauvais !
Albert est content :
- Quand Tom sera plus grand, il ira faire ses besoins au parc avec moi !
C’est l’heure de faire la toilette de Tom. Albert n’est pas content.
- Pouah, ca sent mauvais le savon.
Folio est content :
- Il est mignon ce bébé tout rose. Il sent bon comme un bonbon
Maintenant, Tom a faim, Albert et Folio auusi . La petite chatte adore le lait :
- Moi aussi, je veux boire mon lait dans un biberon
Albert est très gourmand auusi :
- Moi, Je préfère le os, mais Tom n’a pas de dents pour les croques...
Tom a encore faim. Jules apporte un autre biberon mais il marche sur la balle d’Albert et il tombe !!!
- Attention, Jules ! Ma balle ! OOOh Noooonnnn !
Albert et Folio font la course pour attraper le biberon de Tom.
- Ce sera moi le premier !
- Ce sera moi la première !
Albert est plus rapide que Folio. Il saute et attrape le biberon avec ses dents.
Jules crie de joie:
- Super, Albert ! Le biberon n’est pas cassé.
Tu es un acrobate !
Albert est très fier. Il donne le biberon à Alice.
Folio a perdu la course contre Albert mais elle est contente :
- Il est vraiment très bon le lait de Tom !
Albert et Folio sont un peu fatigués. Aujourd’hui, ils ont fait plein de choses avec le bébé.
Heureux, ils se reponsent sur le canapé.
- Je ne sais pas où Alice et Jules ont acheté Tom. En tout cas , ils l’ont bien choisi. Il est gentil.
- C’est dommage, Tom est encore trop petit, il ne peut pas sauter partout avec moi.
Il fait nuit. Tom dort profondément dans sa chambre. Avant de se coucher, Albert et Folio vérifient que tout va bien.
- On surveille l’appartement et avec Albert. On surveille aussi Tom!
- Grandis vite petit Tom ! On pourra faire des bêtises tous les trois
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Albert and folio are pleased with their masters, Jules and Alice... but today, there is a problem.Folio is curious:-Why it can not enter the room?-Why you can not play with Jules and Alice?Jules made a lot of noise behind the door.Folio is the guardian of the apartment. She wants to understand:- But what about Jules? Ugh, it smells bad!There a lot of mess in the apartment.Albert is having fun. He found a buddy-It is weird this dog. Pourquop he does not speak?This morning, Jules and Alice depart very early. It's still dark. They are pressed. Albert is a little sad: -Me too, I want to go walk meLater in evening, Jules returned alone, he is very happy and he hisses.-Albert, Folio, come make me a big hug, I am so happy! you will soon have a big surprise!Albert and Folio are especially very hungry...Everyone ate well. Now, Jules and Albert snore very loud. Folio is unable to fall asleep- But where is Alice? I am sad without it.A surprise? But what?-It is perhaps a little brother, a nice dog like me...-It is perhaps a sister petie, a nice pussy like me...Pending Alice and surprise, Albert is nonsense.-The surprise of Jules, it may be a nice bone!Pending Alice and surprise, Folio is nonsense.-It is soft this pajamas and he feels very good!Three days later, Alice comes home.Albert and Folio are very happy.-Alice has not abandoned us. She still loves us!-Albert, Folio! Come make me a big hug, you missed me so much! Jules is happy. He wears a very large basket.- And here's the big surprise!-Super! A new basket for Albert and me!-Super! Jules bought to eat!Folio a ears hurt- But there's someone in the basket! What animal made this noise?Albert a ears hurt-It is weird the surprise of Jules! It does not bark like me...Alice presents the baby Albert.-Albert, I presented to you Tom. Caution, do not do silly things with him. It is still very small. Look, Tom, it is Albert.Jules presents baby Folio.-Folio, I present to you Tom. It is part of the family now! Look, Tom, it. It is FolioAlbert is angry: -The baby cries a lot. I can't take a NAP. And besides, I do not have the right to play with him.Falio is angry: -Because of Tom, I can not sleep. And besides, it's not pretty at all, there no hairThe baby made the NAP in his room. He cries more. Folio is very curious.-They are fun toys for Tom, I'll go see closerAlbert is very curious, he follows Folio: - But where will Folio? I also want to enter the House of Tom!Albert is awkward. With his little paws, he walks on Tom toys and Tomb...BADABOUM! Folio very afraid, Jules is not happy: -Chen, you'll wake up Tom!Tom wakes up, but he did not cry. He laughs. Folio would make him a smile: -The baby is cute when he laughs. Tom! Viewing! I am here! Cuckoo!Albert is a little jealous. It is not known to jump on the furniture as Folio to see the baby.-Me too, I want to viewing Tom. I want to show my nice big noseAlice takes Albert in his arms-Viewing Albert, Tom laugh, he loves your big nose.-It is very cute. It has a small paw like meThe eure is changing the diaper of Tom. Folio is not pleased.-Ugh, it smells bad!Albert is content: -When Tom will be larger, it will go to the park with me!This is the time to do the toilet by Tom. Albert is not happy.-Ugh, it smells bad SOAP.Folio is happy:-He's cute this pink baby. It feels good as a sweetNow Tom has hunger, Albert and Folio also. The little pussy loves milk:-Me too, I want to drink my milk in a bottleAlbert is very gourmand as: -Me, I prefer the os, but Tom has no teeth for croques them...Tom is still hungry. Jules brings another bottle but he walks on the Albert ball and it falls!-Attention, Jules! My ball! OOOh Noooonnnn!Albert and Folio are racing to grab the bottle of Tom.-It will be me the first!-It will be me the first!Albert is faster than Folio. He jumps and grabs the bottle with his teeth.Jules shouts of joy:-Super, Albert! The bottle is not broken.You are an Acrobat! Albert is very proud. He gave the bottle to Alice.Folio has lost the race against Albert but is happy:-It is really very good Tom milk!Albert and Folio are a little tired. Today, they have made many things with the baby.Happy, they are reponsent on the couch.-I do not know where Alice and Jules bought Tom. In any case, they have well chosen. It is nice.-It's a shame, Tom is still too small, it can not jump around with me.It is night. Tom sleeps deeply in his room. Before bedtime, Albert and Folio check that all is well.-Monitored apartment with Albert. It also monitors Tom!-Grown fast little Tom! Could be talking nonsense all three
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Albert and folio are happy with their masters, Jules and Alice ... but today there is a problem.
Folio is curious:
Why can not enter the room?
Why can not play with Jules and Alice?
Jules made ​​a lot of noise behind the door.
Folio is the guardian of the apartment. She wants to understand:
'But that is Jules? Ugh, it smells bad!
There's a lot of clutter in the apartment.
Albert fun. He found a buddy
- it's weird dog. Pourquop he does not speak?
This morning, Jules and Alice leave very early. It is still dark. They are pressed. Albert is a little sad
- I too want to take a
walk. Late evening, Jules returned alone, he is very happy and whistles
- Albert, Folio, come give me a hug, I'm so happy! you will soon have a surprise!
Albert and Folio are especially very hungry ...
Everyone ate well. Now Jules and Albert snore loudly. Folio can not sleep
- Where's Alice? I am sad without it.
A surprise? but what?
- That may be a little brother, a nice dog like me ...
- This is perhaps a petie sister, a nice cat like me ...
Meanwhile Alice and surprise, Albert made nonsense.
- The surprise Jules, it's perhaps a good bones
Meanwhile Alice and surprise, Folio is nonsense.
- It is soft pajamas and he feels very good!
Three days later, Alice returns . home
Albert and Folio are very happy.
- Alice has not abandoned us. She still loves us!
- Albert, Folio! Come give me a hug, you missed me so much!
Jules is joyful. He carries a big basket.
- And now the surprise!
- Super! A new basket for Albert and me!
- Super! Jules bought to eat!
Folio has earache
- But there is someone in the cart! ? What animal made ​​that noise
Albert earache
- It's weird surprise Jules! She does not bark like me ...
Alice has the baby to Albert.
- Albert, I'm Tom presentiment. Warning, do not do anything stupid with it. It is still very small. Look, Tom, he is Albert.
Jules has the baby to Folio.
- Folio, I present Tom. It is part of the family now! Look, Tom, she. Folio is
Albert is angry:
- The baby cries a lot. I can not take a nap. And besides, I have no right to play with him.
Falio is angry:
- Because of Tom, I can not sleep. And besides, it's not pretty at all, he has no hair
The baby made ​​a nap in his room. He stopped crying. Folio is very curious.
- They are funny Tom's toys, I'll go see closer
Albert is very curious, he follows Folio:
- But where will Folio? I also want to get into Tom's room!
Albert is awkward. With its tiny paws, he steps on the toy and Tom falls ...
BADABOUM! Folio is very afraid, Jules is not happy:
- Shh, you'll wake up Tom!
Tom wakes up but he did not cry. He is laughing. Folio would make him a smile:
- The baby is cute when he laughs. Tom! Look! I am here ! CouCou!
Albert is a little jealous. He can not jump on furniture Folio like to see the baby.
- I also want to look at Tom. I want to show him my pretty big nose
Alice Albert takes her in his arms
- Viewing Albert, Tom laughs, He loves your big nose.
- It is very cute. It has small leg like me
It's the Eure to change the layer of Tom. Folio is not happy.
- Ugh, it smells bad!
Albert is happy:
- When Tom will be larger, he will do his business to the park with me!
It's time to do the toilet Tom. Albert is not happy.
- Ugh, it smells bad soap.
Folio is happy:
- It is all cute baby pink. It smells like candy
Now Tom is hungry, Albert and Folio auusi. The little cat loves milk:
- I also want to drink my milk in a bottle
Albert is very greedy auusi:
- Me, I prefer the bones, but Tom has no teeth for croques ...
Tom again hunger. Jules brings another bottle but he steps on the ball and falls Albert !!!
- Attention Jules! My ball! ! OOOh Noooonnnn
Albert and Folio are racing to grab a bottle of Tom.
- It will be me first!
- This will be my first!
Albert is faster than Folio. He jumps and grabs the bottle with his teeth.
Jules shouts of joy
- Super Albert! The bottle is not broken.
You're an acrobat!
Albert is very proud. It gives the bottle to Alice.
Folio lost the race against Albert but she's happy:
- It is really good milk from Tom!
Albert and Folio are a little tired. Today, they have many things with the baby.
Happy they reponsent on the couch.
- I do not know where Alice and Julius bought Tom. In any case, they have chosen well. It's nice.
- It's too bad, Tom is too small, it can not jump around with me.
It is night. Tom fast asleep in his room. Before bed, Albert and Folio check that all is well.
- It monitors the apartment and with Albert. It also monitors Tom!
- Tom Grandis little faster! We can make mistakes every three
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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albert and folio are happy with their masters, jules and alice. but today, there is a problem. the folio is curious: "why can't we go in the bedroom? - why can't we play with jules and alice? - jules, make a lot of noise behind the door. the folio is the guardian of the apartment. she wants to include: - what is man? ugh, it stinks!
there are a lot of mess. - have fun. he found a boyfriend. - he's weird. pourquop he doesn't talk? "this morning, jules and alice go early. still dark. they're in a hurry. albert was a bit sad. - i want to go for a walk, late night, jules, go alone, he is very happy and whistling. "albert, folio.come here and give me a big hug, and i'm so happy! you'll have a great surprise. the albert and folio were very hungry, everybody is good. now, jules and albert snore very loudly. pete can't sleep. - where's alice? i'm so sad without her. surprised? but what is it? - maybe it's a little brother, a boy like me.- maybe it's a little sister, a good cat like me, waiting for alice and surprise, albert made a mess of things. "the surprise of jules, maybe it's a bone. in the meantime, alice, and surprise, folio is nonsense. - it's nice pajamas and smells very nice. "three days later, alice goes home. albert and folio are very happy.alice did not abandon us. she still loves us. - albert, folio. come here and give me a hug, i missed you so much! the boyfriend is happy. it is a very big basket, and here's the big surprise. - great! a basket for albert and me. - great! julius bought something to eat. the folio was horrible, but there's someone in the basket. what made that noise?
albert's hurting my ears. she is surprised, jules! it's not like me, alice has the baby to albert. albert, i'm pressing, tom. don't do anything with him. there is still little. look, tom, this is albert. - is the baby folio. portfolio, i'd like you to meet tom. it's part of the family now. look, tom,she. it's folio. albert is angry: "the baby is crying a lot. i can't take a nap. and besides, i don't have the right to play with him. falio is angry: "because i can't sleep. and it's not very nice, he has no hair, the baby made a nap in his room. i don't cry. folio is very curious.- they're fun toys to tom, i'll take a closer look, albert is very curious, he follows the folio: where's pete? i want to get into tom's room. "albert is clumsy. with his small hands, he worked on tom's toys, kaboom! folio is very afraid, boyfriend is not happy: shh, you'll wake up, tom.
tom wakes up, but he's not crying. he's kidding. folio would do a smile: "the baby looks cute when he smiles. tom! tom! look! i'm here. hey! "albert is a bit jealous. he doesn't know how to jump on the furniture, such as example to see the baby. - i want to see tom. i want to show her my lovely nose. alice takes albert in his arms. - albert, tom.i love your nose. - it's cute. it's a small, it is more like the change of the layer of tom. pete's not happy. - oh, it smells bad. "albert is happy. when tom gets bigger, it needs to go to park with me. this is the time to do the toilet of tom. albert is not happy. - oh, it smells like soap. folio is:
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