COREE DU SUD - 16 AOUT: Blinde de l'infanterie americaine poste pour viser les collines entourant une zone sous le feu des troupes de Coree du Nord, un betiment de ferme enflamme e l'arriere-plan, en Coree du Sud le 16 aoet 1950.
South Korea - 16 August: American infantry armoured position to aim the hills surrounding an area under fire from North Korean troops, a farm developers ignites e background, in South Korea on August 16, 1950. .
SOUTH KOREA - August 16: Blinde American infantry position to aim the hills surrounding an area under fire from troops of North Korea, a farm betiment e ignites the back-ground, in South Korea on 16 aoet 1950.
SOUTH KOREA - August 16: Shielded of the us infantry post to aim the hills surrounding a zone under the fire of troops in North Korea, a betiment of closed ignites e the background, in South Korea the 16 aoet 1950.