Cela faisait longtemps que je rêvais de découvrir Vancouver, cette mét dịch - Cela faisait longtemps que je rêvais de découvrir Vancouver, cette mét Anh làm thế nào để nói

Cela faisait longtemps que je rêvai

Cela faisait longtemps que je rêvais de découvrir Vancouver, cette métropole du bout du monde au bord de l’Océan Pacifique. Régulièrement classée parmi les villes les plus agréables à vivre, Vancouver est à la hauteur de sa réputation. Parcs, plages et marinas se succèdent aux pieds des gratte-ciels de cette métropole ultra-moderne, cosmopolite et aussi un peu hippie. C’est une ville où l’on fait du yoga, où on mange des sushis et où on cultive des légumes bio dans son jardin.

Nous y avons passé cinq jours à la mi-août avec Emily, dans une sympathique maison sur Commercial Drive avec une Algérienne, une Irlandaise et un Canadien. C’était la première étape d’un grand périple à travers le Canada: la traversée du pays en train jusqu’à Montréal, que vous pourrez lire très prochainement ici-même. En attendant, voici quelques bonnes idées à faire à Vancouver, une liste non exhaustive bien entendu étant donné la quantité d’activités disponibles…

1 Faire du vélo dans Stanley Park

velo stanley park vancouverStanley Park, c’est l’un des plus grands parcs urbains d’Amérique du Nord, encore plus grand que Central Park à New York. Une piste cyclable de 8km permet d’en faire le tour et c’est le meilleur moyen pour découvrir le parc, ses lacs, plages et profiter de la vue magnifique sur la skyline de Vancouver. Attention toutefois à bien respecter les règles de circulation! Piétons et vélos ont chacun leur voie de circulation, et le tour à vélo se fait en sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre. On n’a pas le droit de rouler à contre-sens… A ne pas louper: les totems sculptés par les peuples Amérindiens de la côte nord-ouest du Pacifique, exposés à Brockton Point, sur la pointe Est du parc.

totem stanley park vancouver

Infos pratiques: on peut louer des vélos tout près de l’entrée de Stanley Park, chez Spokes Bicycles Rentals.
Comme le vélo est un des meilleurs moyens de découvrir la ville, autant les garder pour explorer les autres endroits de Vancouver. La piste cyclable longe tout le front de mer, le seewall, (22km du Coal Harbour jusqu’à Kitsilano), et avec un peu d’exercice, on peut même aller jusqu’à UBC (Uiversity of British Columbia), là où se trouve le musée d’anthropologie (cf plus bas)

2 Se baigner à la plage

plage second beach vancouverPour aller à la plage à Vancouver, il y a l’embarras du choix… On y trouve à chaque fois des troncs d’arbres pour s’installer. Par contre, même mi-août, l’eau est un peu fraîche… Mais c’est vrai qu’on n’est pas sous les tropiques. A Stanley Park, il y a Second Beach (cf photo). Pour le coucher de soleil, il y a Sunset Beach, qui donne sur English Bay. Un peu plus, loin, juste à côte du musée d’anthropologie, il y a Wreck Beach. C’est une institution à Vancouver car c’est une plage « clothing optionnal », avec ou sans maillot de bain. L’ambiance y est très « peace and love », avec à la fois un public familial, des étudiants qui viennent faire la fête et des hippies qui jouent de la musique. Il y a aussi quelques hommes seuls un peu voyeurs, mais c’est le risque des plages naturistes. Le truc cool, c’est qu’on peut se baigner même si on a oublié son maillot de bain ;-)

plage wreck beach vancouver

A savoir: la consommation d’alcool est interdite dans les lieux publics au Canada, donc pas possible de boire une bière sur la plage au coucher de soleil ou une bouteille de vin lors d’un pique-nique… A moins d’avoir prévu le coup avec une gourde ou de transvaser dans une autre bouteille… ;-)
3 Comprendre l’histoire des Premières Nations au musée d’anthropologie

musee anthropologie vancouver moaLe musée d’anthropologie de Vancouver (MOA) est un très beau musée sur l’histoire et la culture des peuples amérindiens de la Colombie Britannique. « Premières Nations » (First Nations), c’est le terme utilisé au Canada pour désigner les peuples autochtones. Le pays a lui aussi une histoire complexe avec ses premiers habitants, même si elle est moins sanglante qu’aux Etats-Unis. La galerie multidiversité du musée présente plus de 16.000 objets du quotidien de toutes les cultures du monde, du Canada jusqu’à la Chine et au Japon, en passant par l’Afrique et l’Amérique du Sud.

Mon conseil: le MOA est un peu loin du centre-ville, mais c’est un bon prétexte pour y aller à vélo. La balade, en front de mer est très sympa, même s’il faut un peu grimper sur la fin… Il faut coupler la visite avec un tour sur Wreck Beach, juste à côté…
4 Survoler le Canada avec Fly over Canada

Un vrai coup de coeur à Vancouver! Fly over Canada est un simulateur de vol qui donne l’impression de survoler le Canada à bord d’un deltaplane ou d’un hélicoptère. Les images sont d’une beauté à couper le souffle et on s’y croit vraiment! Attention d’ailleurs si vous avez le vertige… C’est tellement réaliste qu’on a presque peur de tomber dans le vide. Une expérience vidéo en 4D avec des sièges en mouvement sur lesquels ils faut bien boucler sa ceinture, du vent, et même de la brume de pluie quand on traverse des nuages!

5 Se prendre pour un champion olympique au BC Stadium

vancouver jo medaillesVancouver est une ville olympique, qui a organisé les jeux d’hiver en 2010. Pour les fans de sport, on peut visiter le BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, au BC Place Stadium, qui a accueilli notamment les cérémonie d’ouverture et de clôture des JO. Un espace du musée est consacré aux jeux, et on peut même faire la photo souvenir sur une réplique de podium olympique. On apprend aussi plein de choses sur le hockey-sur-glace, le sport national du Canada.

6 Voir des ours et des bûcherons à Grouse Mountain

vancouver ours grouse mountainA seulement 15 minutes en voiture de Vancouver, on peut être à la montagne! L’hiver, c’est un domaine skiable, et l’été, un super endroit pour se balader, avec vue magnifique sur la baie de Vancouver du haut des 1.200 mètres d’altitude de Grouse Mountain. On peut monter en téléphérique. En haut, il y a pas mal de chemins de randonnée, des ours dans des enclos (plus facile pour les voir que dans la nature…), un spectacle de bucherons et des démonstrations d’oiseaux et rapaces. Ca fait un peu parc d’attraction, mais on passe un bon moment. Tout voyageur au Canada espère avoir l’occasion de voir des ours en liberté, mais ça n’arrive pas forcément… Avec Emily ça ne nous est pas arrivé en tout cas, alors mieux vaut saisir l’occasion d’en voir de près, avec des guides qui donnent des explications. Le spectacle de bûcherons, c’est un peu kitsch, c’est vrai, mais super drôle et très impressionnant! Ils font rugir leurs tronçonneuses pour couper le plus de bûches le plus vite possible, rivalisent d’adresse pour monter à des mats en bois ou d’agilité pour rester en équilibre sur des rondins dans l’eau… Déballage de muscles et de testostérone dans une ambiance très bon enfant. Et on a même droit à la photo souvenir ;-)

Séance photo avec les bucherons après le spectacle
Séance photo avec les bucherons après le spectacle

Infos pratiques: une navette gratuite au départ de Canada Place permet d’accéder à Grouse Mountain si on n’est pas motorisé. Par contre, petit bémol, l’entrée du site (téléphérique plus accès aux différentes activités) est assez chère: 41,95 dollars pour le prix de base, et 45,95 si on veut prendre le télésiège pour monter plus haut après le téléphérique.
7 Boire une bière à Granville Island

vancouver granville island breweryGranville Island, c’est vraiment à ne pas louper à Vancouver! On y trouve un marché avec des produits frais (très bon endroit pour déjeuner ou dîner, mais attention, ça ferme tôt, à 19h), plein de boutiques vintage pour chiner, et une micro-brasserie artisanale: la Granville Island Brewing. Le mieux, c’est de commander le plateau de dégustation avec 8 variétés à déguster… de la plus blanche à la plus amère.

A éviter: Capilano suspension bridge

Grosse affluence sur le pont Capilano
Grosse affluence sur le pont Capilano

C’est une attraction pourtant populaire à Vancouver: le pont suspendu de Capilano, mais j’ai été très déçue. C’est archi blindé de monde, cher (35,95 dollars) et on n’a vraiment pas l’impression d’être dans la nature tant il y a des barrières partout. Il faut faire la queue pour traverser le pont, et une fois dessus, on se fait autant bousculer que dans un couloir du métro à Paris… Hors saison, c’est peut-être sympa, mais si vous êtes à Vancouver en juillet-août, à éviter!! Une amie de Vancouver nous avait pourtant recommandé d’aller plutôt au Lynn suspension bridge, beaucoup moins fréquenté et en plus gratuit… On aurait mieux fait d’écouter son conseil plutôt que de faire comme tout le monde et de suivre les conseils des guides touristiques… Ca m’intéresserait d’ailleurs d’avoir des avis là-dessus. Si vous avez été au pont suspendu Lynn, dites-le en commentaire.
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It was long I dreamed of discover Vancouver, this metropolis by the end of the world on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Regularly ranked among the most liveable cities, Vancouver is living up to its reputation. Parks, beaches and marinas occur at the feet of the skyscrapers of this metropolis ultra-modern, cosmopolitan, and also a little hippie. It is a city where is yoga, where you eat sushi and where organic vegetables grown in her garden.We spent five days in mid-August with Emily, in a nice house on Commercial Drive with an Algerian, an Irishwoman and a Canadian. It was the first step in a great journey through the Canada: crossing the country by train to Montréal, you read very soon here. In the meantime, here are a few good ideas to do in Vancouver, a non-exhaustive list of course given the amount of activities available...1 ride bike in Stanley Parkbike stanley park vancouverStanley Park, it is one of the largest urban parks in North America, still larger than Central Park in New York. A 8km cycle track allows to do the tour and this is the best way to discover the Park, lakes, beaches and enjoy the magnificent view over the skyline of Vancouver. Attention however to follow traffic rules! Pedestrians and bicycles have each their way of movement, and the tour by bike is done in direction reverses an anti-clockwise. There is no right to ride at cross-purposes... A not to miss: the totem poles carved by the native peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, exposed at Brockton Point, on the eastern tip.stanley park vancouver TotemPractical info: you can rent bicycles near the entrance to Stanley Park, at Spokes Bicycles Rentals.As the bike is one of the best ways to discover the city, so keep them to explore other areas of Vancouver. The bicycle path along the sea front, seewall, (22km from Coal Harbour to Kitsilano), and with a little exercise, you can even go up to UBC (Uiversity of British Columbia), where is located the Museum of Anthropology (see below)2. swim at the beachBeach second beach vancouverPour go to the beach in Vancouver, there is the embarrassment of the choice... There is every time the trunks of trees to settle. By against, same-mid-August, the water is a little fresh... But it is true that we are not in the tropics. Stanley Park, there are Second Beach (see photo). For the sunset, there is Sunset Beach, overlooking English Bay. A little more, far right next to the Museum of anthropology, there is Wreck Beach. It is an institution in Vancouver because it is a 'clothing optionnal' Beach, with or without bathing suit. The atmosphere is very "peace and love", with both a family audience, students who come to party and the hippies that play music. There are also a few men only a little voyeurs, but it is the risk of naturist beaches. The cool thing is that you can swim even if they forgot her swimwear ;-)Beach wreck beach vancouverNamely: consumption of alcohol is forbidden in public places in the Canada, so not possible to drink a beer on the beach at sunset or a bottle of wine at a picnic... Unless you have planned the coup with a gourd or transfer into another bottle... ;-)3 understand the history of First Nations at the Museum of anthropologyMuseum anthropology vancouver moaLe Museum of Anthropology (MOA) in Vancouver is a very nice Museum on the history and culture of the native peoples of British Colombia. "First Nations" (First Nations), is the term used in the Canada for Aboriginal peoples. The country has also itself a complex with its first inhabitants history, even if it is less bloody than the United States. The multidiversite of the Museum Gallery presents more than 16,000 objects from the daily lives of all cultures of the world, from Canada to China and Japan, passing through Africa and South America.My advice: the MOA is a bit far from downtown, but it is a good excuse to go there by bike. The ride on the seafront is very nice, even if it takes a little climb at the end... It is necessary to couple the visit with a ride on Wreck Beach, next to...4 fly over Canada with Fly over CanadaA true favorite in Vancouver! Fly over Canada is a Flight Simulator that gives the impression of fly over Canada on board a hang glider or helicopter. The images are beautiful breathtaking and is believed really! Attention elsewhere if you have Vertigo... It is so realistic that was almost afraid of falling into the void. A video experience in 4 d with moving seats on which they must fasten his seat belt, wind, and even the mist of rain when you cross cloud!5. to take for an Olympic champion to BC StadiumVancouver OJ medaillesVancouver is an Olympic city, which hosted the winter games in 2010. For sports fans, you can visit the BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, at BC Place Stadium, which hosted including the opening ceremony and closing of the Olympic Games. A space of the Museum is devoted to the games, and you can even do photo souvenir on a replica of Olympic podium. We also learn lots of things about the hockey-on-ice, the national sport of the Canada.6 see bears and loggers at Grouse Mountainbear Vancouver grouse mountainA only 15 minutes by car from Vancouver, you can be in the mountains! In winter, it is a ski resort, and summer, a great place to stroll, with magnificent view over the Bay of Vancouver from the top of the 1,200 metres of altitude of Grouse Mountain. You can climb by cable car. Above, there are a lot of paths for hiking, bears in enclosures (easier to see in the wild...), a show of loggers and demonstrations of birds and Raptors. It's been a little amusement park, but we pass a good time. Any traveller to the Canada hope to have the opportunity to see bears in liberty, but it is not necessarily... With Emily it not happened to us anyway, so better take the opportunity to see closely, with guides that give explanations. The spectacle of loggers, it is a little kitschy, it's true, but super funny and very impressive! They roar their chainsaws to cut logs as soon as possible, compete address to mount to wood or agility poles to stay balanced on logs in the water... Unpacking muscles and testosterone in a very good atmosphere child. And there are even right to the photo souvenir ;-)Photo shoot with the loggers after the showPhoto shoot with the loggers after the showPractical information: a free shuttle bus departing from Canada Place provides access to Grouse Mountain if it is not powered. On the other hand, small flat, the entrance to the site (cable car more access to different activities) is fairly expensive: 41.95 dollars for the base price, and 45.95 if it wants to take the chair lift to climb higher after the cable car.7 a beer at Granville IslandVancouver granville island breweryGranville Island, it's really not to miss in Vancouver! There is a market with fresh produce (great place for lunch or dinner, but be careful, it closed early, at 7 pm), full of vintage for antiquing, shops and a craft brewery: Granville Island Brewing. Best is to order the platter tasting with 8 varieties to taste... of the more white to the more bitter.Avoid: Capilano suspension bridgeBig crowds on the Capilano bridgeBig crowds on the Capilano bridgeIt is a still popular attraction in Vancouver: Capilano suspension the bridge but I was very disappointed. It is shielded archi of world, expensive ($35.95) and we don't really have the impression of being in nature as there are barriers everywhere. Need to queue to cross the bridge, and once above, it is as much shove in a corridor of the metro in Paris... Off-season, it is maybe nice, but if you're in Vancouver in July-August, to avoid! A friend of Vancouver we had yet recommended to go instead to Lynn suspension bridge, much less frequent and free... It would have done better to listen to its Board rather than like everyone else and follow the advice of tourist guides... It would also interest me to have opinions on it. If you've been to the suspension bridge Lynn, tell the comment.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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For a long time I dreamed of discovering Vancouver, this metropolis of the end of the world to the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Consistently ranked among the most livable cities, Vancouver is living up to its reputation. Parks, beaches and marinas succeed at the foot of skyscrapers in this ultra-modern city, cosmopolitan and a bit hippie. It is a city where one does yoga, where you eat sushi and where they grow organic vegetables in his garden. We spent five days in mid-August with Emily, in a nice house on Commercial Drive with an Algerian, an Irish and a Canadian. It was the first step in a great journey across Canada: crossing the country by train to Montreal, which you can read right here very soon. Meanwhile, here are some good ideas to do in Vancouver, a non-exhaustive list of course given the amount of activities available ... 1 Cycling in Stanley Park bike stanley park vancouverStanley Park, this is one of the largest parks urban North America, even bigger than Central Park in New York. A cycle track allows 8km to go around and it is the best way to explore the park, lakes, beaches and enjoy the beautiful view of the skyline of Vancouver. But be careful to observe the traffic rules! Pedestrians and bicycles have their own lane, and the bike tour is done in the opposite direction of clockwise. It is not allowed to run against the grain ... Do not miss: the totems carved by Native peoples of the northwest Pacific coast, exposed to Brockton Point on the eastern tip of the park. Totem stanley park vancouver Practical info: You can rent bicycles near the entrance to Stanley Park, home Spokes Bicycles Rentals. As the bike is one of the best ways to explore the city, so keep them to explore other places in Vancouver. The bike path runs along the entire waterfront, the seewall, (22km from Coal Harbour to Kitsilano), and with a little practice, you can even go to UBC (Uiversity of British Columbia), where is find the Anthropology Museum (see below) 2 Bathing beach beach beach vancouverPour second go to the beach in Vancouver, there are plenty to choose ... There are every time tree trunks for s 'install. By cons, even mid-August, the water is a little chilly ... But it's true that we are not in the tropics. At Stanley Park, Second Beach there (see photo). For the sunset, there is Sunset Beach, overlooking English Bay. A little away, just off the Museum of Anthropology, there is Wreck Beach. It is an institution in Vancouver because it's a beach "clothing optionnal", with or without a swimsuit. The atmosphere is very "peace and love" with both a family audience, students who come to party and hippies who play music. There are also some men only a little voyeurs, but the risk of naturist beaches. The cool thing is that you can swim even though we forgot her swimsuit ;-) beach wreck beach vancouver Namely: the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in public places in Canada, therefore, not possible to drinking beer on the beach at sunset or a bottle of wine at a picnic ... Unless you have planned the coup with a gourd or decant into another bottle ... ;-) 3 Understanding history First Nations at the Museum of Anthropology Museum Anthropology Museum of Anthropology Moale vancouver Vancouver (MOA) is a very nice museum about the history and culture of Native American peoples of British Columbia. "First Nations" (First Nations) is the term used in Canada to refer to the indigenous peoples. The country also has a complex history with its first inhabitants, even if it is less bloody than in the US. The multidiversité museum gallery features more than 16,000 everyday objects from all cultures of the world, from Canada to China and Japan, through Africa and South America. My advice: MOA is a bit far from downtown, but it's a good excuse to go there by bike. The walk, beachfront is very nice, even if it takes a little climb on the end ... We must couple the visit with a ride on Wreck Beach, right next to ... 4 Hover Fly with Canada over Canada A stroke Heart in Vancouver! Fly over Canada is a flight simulator that gives the impression of flying over Canada on board a hang glider or helicopter. The images of beauty are breathtaking and really believes it! Beware also if you have dizziness ... It is so realistic that almost afraid of falling into the void. Video experience 4D with seats moving on which they must buckle up, wind and even rain mist when crossing clouds! 5 Taking for an Olympic champion at BC Stadium Vancouver jo medaillesVancouver is a Olympic city, which hosted the winter games in 2010. For sports fans, you can visit the BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, at BC Place Stadium, which hosted particular the opening ceremony and closing OJ. An area of the museum is devoted to games, and you can even make a souvenir photo on an Olympic podium replica. We also learn a lot about hockey-on-ice, Canada's national sport. 6 See bears and lumberjacks at Grouse Mountain Vancouver Grouse Bear mountainA only 15 minutes drive from Vancouver, you can be in the mountains! The winter is a ski area, and summer, a great place to wander, with stunning views over the Vancouver bay from the top of 1,200 meters of Grouse Mountain. You can climb by cable car. Upstairs, there are a lot of hiking trails, bears in enclosures (easier to see in nature ...), a performance by loggers and birds and birds of prey demonstrations. It's been a little amusement park, but a good time. Every traveler to Canada hopes to have the opportunity to see bears in freedom, but that does not necessarily happen with Emily ... it's not happened to us anyway, so better to take the opportunity to see up close, with guides who give explanations. The lumberjack show, it's a bit kitsch, yes, but great fun and very impressive! They roared their chainsaws to cut more logs as soon as possible, compete skill to ride a wooden matt or agility to stay balanced on logs in the water ... Unpacking of muscle and testosterone a very friendly atmosphere. And we even get a souvenir photo ;-) Photo session with loggers after the show Photo session with loggers after the show Practical information: a free shuttle bus from Canada Place allows access to Grouse Mountain if n ' not motorized. By cons, small flat, the site entrance (cable more access to different activities) is quite expensive: 41.95 dollars for the basic price, and 45.95 if you want to take the chairlift to go higher after the cable car . 7 Drink a beer at Granville Island Vancouver Island breweryGranville Granville Island, is really not to miss in Vancouver! There is a market with fresh produce (very good place for lunch or dinner, but beware it closes early, at 19h), full of vintage shops for bargain hunting, and a craft microbrewery: Granville Island Brewing. The best thing is to order the tasting tray with eight varieties to taste ... the whiter the more bitter. Avoid: Capilano suspension bridge Big crowds on the Capilano Bridge Big crowds on the Capilano bridge This is an attraction Yet popular in Vancouver: the Capilano Suspension Bridge, but I was very disappointed. This is archi armored world, expensive (35.95 dollars) and no one really has the impression of being in nature as there are barriers everywhere. We need to queue to cross the bridge, and it once, you get so upset in a corridor of the metro in Paris ... Out of season, it might be nice, but if you are in Vancouver in July-August , to avoid!! A friend of Vancouver had however recommended to skip suspension bridge in Lynn, much less crowded and more free ... We would have done better to listen to his advice rather than as everyone and to follow the advice of tourist guides ... It would interest me also to have opinions on it. If you've been hanging bridge at Lynn, say so in the comments.

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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it has been a long time since i wanted to vancouver, the city of the end of the world to the edge of the pacific ocean. consistently ranked among the most liveable cities, vancouver has lived up to its reputation. parks, beaches and marinas in succession at the feet of the skyscrapers of the city ultra modern, cosmopolitan and a hippie.this is a city where you do yoga, eat sushi and we grow vegetables in the garden. "we spent five days in mid august with emily in a nice house on commercial drive with an algerian canadian and irish. this was the first step in a journey across canada, across the country by train to montreal.as soon as you can read here. in the meantime, here are a few ideas to vancouver, a non exhaustive list, of course, given the amount of work available, 'riding in stanley park and stanley park, "" vancouverstanley park is one of the largest urban parks in north america, even bigger than central park in new york city.a cycle track miles to get around and it is the best way to explore the park, lakes, beaches and enjoy the beautiful view of the skyline of vancouver. however, to comply with traffic rules. pedestrians and bicycles each lane, and the bicycle is counterclockwise.we don't have the right to run against the grain, not to miss the totem poles carved by the aboriginal peoples of the pacific northwest coast, exposed to brockton point, on the eastern tip of the park, stanley park, vancouver.

on practical information: you can rent bicycles around the entrance to stanley park, with spokes bicycle rentals.the bicycle is one of the best ways to discover the city, keep them to explore other areas of vancouver. the path runs along the sea front, the seewall, various types of coal harbour in kitsilano, and with a little bit of exercise, you can even go so far as to ubc (uiversity of british columbia, where the museum of anthropology (see below).2 swimming at the beach "beach, second beach vancouverpour go to the beach in vancouver, there is plenty of choice, there are trees at each time to install. however, in mid august, the water's a little cold, but it is true that it is not in the tropics. in stanley park, there is a second beach (see photo). for the sun, there are sunset beachwhich has english bay. a little far, next to the museum of anthropology, the wreck beach. it is an institution in vancouver, where it is a optionnal beach "clothing", with or without a bathing suit. the atmosphere is very "peace and love", with the family viewing, students celebrate and hippies who play music.there are also a few men. only a little, but it's the nature of beaches. the cool thing is that we can go for a swim, even if you forgot his bathing suit, beach wreck beach vancouver)

a: the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in public places in canada,be drinking a beer on the beach at sunset, or a bottle of wine at a picnic... unless you have provided it with a gourd or transfer to another bottle. (3) an understanding of the history of the first nations at the ubc museum of anthropology).the museum of anthropology moale vancouver vancouver museum of anthropology (mbo) is a very beautiful museum on the history and culture of the aboriginal peoples of british columbia. "first nations" is the term used in canada to refer to the indigenous peoples. the country also has a complex history, with its first inhabitants.although it is less bloody than those in the united states. the museum gallery has more than 16000 multidiversité everyday objects of all cultures of the world, canada, china, japan, africa and south america. "my advice: it's a little far from the city center, but it is a good way to go by bike. the ride.on the sea front is very nice, even if it takes a little rise in the end... you have to link the visit with a ride on wreck beach, right next to...
4 over canada to fly over canada in the real thing at vancouver. fly over canada is a flight simulator, which gives the impression of cross canada on a hang glider or a helicopter.the images are breathtaking, and i really believe in it. if you pay attention to. it is so realistic that it was almost afraid to fall. experience with video in 4d moving seats on which they need to buckle up, wind, rain and fog in the cloud when it passes through.

5 to be an olympic champion in vancouver bc. oj medaillesvancouver
is a city which has hosted the olympic winter games in 2010. for sports fans, we can visit the bc sports hall of fame and the museum at bc place stadium, which has hosted include the opening and closing ceremonies of the games. the space of the museum is dedicated to the games.and we can even make the picture on a replica of a podium. we also learn a lot of things on the ice hockey, canada's national sport. "6 see bears and loggers to grouse mountain in vancouver history
mountaina bears only 15 minutes drive from vancouver, we can be in the mountains. winter is a ski area, and in the summer,a great place to walk around, with a beautiful view of the bay in vancouver from above 1200 metres of grouse mountain. we can go by tram. there's a lot of walking trails, bear in enclosures (easier to see in the wild), a show of woodcutters and demonstrations of birds and raptors. it's kind of a theme park.but we are having a good time. in every journey, the traveler in the canada hope to have the opportunity to see bears in freedom, but that's not necessarily with emily, it didn't happen to us anyway, so it's best to seize the opportunity to see up close, with guides to provide the explanation. the lumberjack show, it's a little tacky, true, but it's great fun and very impressive.they roar their chain saws to cut the logs as soon as possible, try to get to address wooden masts and agility to stay in balance on a log in the water: unpacking of muscles and testosterone in an atmosphere of good child. and we got the picture: in the photo with the woodcutters after the show.after the photo shoot with the woodcutters' practical information: show a free shuttle service from canada site provides access to grouse mountain where it is not motorized. on the other hand, small, flat, the entrance to the site, with access to different activities is quite expensive: $41.95 in basic prices, and 45.if we want to take the lift to go up after the tram. 7 a beer on granville island, vancouver island and vancouver brewerygranville
, this is really to get to vancouver. there is a market with fresh, good place for lunch or dinner, but closes early, 7:00, my lot vintage shops.and a micro brewery. the granville island brewing. and the best thing is to get the set of 8 varieties. for the more, the more white to avoid bitter.

, the capilano suspension bridge on the bridge and the large crowds on the bridge and large number "is a popular attraction in vancouver: suspension bridge andbut i was very disappointed. it is so crowded and expensive ($35.95) and we don't like to be in nature and there are barriers. there's a line across the bridge, and after all, we are in a corridor of the push train in paris. during the off season, it might be nice, but if you are in vancouver in july and august.in order to avoid. a friend in vancouver. we had recommended to go in lynn, suspension bridge, less crowded and more free. you should have listened to his advice, rather than to be like everyone else, and follow the advice of tour guides, i would be interested to have an opinion on it. if you have been on the bridge -tell us in comments.
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