COREE DU NORD - 15 AOUT: Rapatries coreens et chinois chantant des chants revolutionnaires et criant haut et fort 'Longue vie e la mere patrie', en Coree du Nord le 15 aoet 1953.
North Korea - August 15: returnees Koreans and Chinese singing revolutionary songs and shouting loud and clear ' long life e mother patrie', in the August 15, 1953 North Korea. .
NORTH KOREA - August 15: Chinese returnees korean and singing revolutionary songs and shouting loudly 'Long live the e mother country' in North Korea 15 aoet 1953.
NORTH KOREA - August 15: repatriated Korean and Chinese singing revolutionary songs and shouting loud and clear 'Long life e the motherland', in North Korea on 15 aoet 1953.