Desireux depuis de longues annees , de se consacrer a une oeuvre de Dieu, il s'etait decide au cours de la guerre, a renoncer s'il avait le privilege de survivre a la grande tourmente, a la brillante carriere qui s'ouvrait devant lui et a entrer a la Faculte de Theologie.
Eager for many years, to devote himself has a work of God, it was decided during the war, if he had the privilege to survive the great turmoil, has the brilliant career that lay before him and has has the Faculty of theology.
Desiring for many years, to dedicate a work of God, it was decided during the war, give up if he had the privilege to survive the great storm, a brilliant career which opened before and it has come at the Faculty of theology.
wish for many years, focus has a work of god, it was decided in the course of the war, has not had the privilege to survive the storm, in the brilliant career that was in front of him, and in the faculty of theology.